So your business is all set up and you’re ready to launch in style. What you need is a good launch party to build some attention

Launch parties aren’t easy, though. There are several criteria you need to be aware of if you want to throw the best launch party possible. 

That’s why we’ve collected this ‘how to’ guide, to give you a baseline of how to throw a launch party for a new business. The main points to be aware of are:

  • Have a goal in mind
  • Find the right venue
  • Come up with a relevant theme
  • Invite the right people
  • Hand out promotional items

Why your business needs a launch party

Launch parties are a fun and interesting way to build interest in your business. Depending on the industry you’re in, who you invite, and your budget, it can attract attention or help build connections. 

If you’re entering a competitive market and want to give your business a boost, then consider throwing a launch party.

How to throw a launch party for a new business

Launch parties do take some work to get right, but it helps if you already know where to start. Keep reading our guide, and learn what key points you need to know. 

Have a goal in mind

Business launch parties are designed to achieve a specific purpose. If they don’t do that, then you’re just having an ordinary celebration. Here are some objectives you may want to consider using for your launch party. 

  • Networking
  • Attracting clients
  • Building interest

Once you have settled on your goal, keep it in mind as you’re deciding the following elements. Your decisions should be focused around trying to best achieve it. 

Come up with a relevant theme

Businesses open and close every day in the UK, so you need to make yours stand out. Even still, your theme should relate to your business, otherwise attendees will be confused and your party will lose impact. 

An indie game studio, for instance, may choose to follow the same theme as one of their games. This would create a nice connection between the business and the launch party. 

Find the right venue

Venues are incredibly important, because they help to convey the image you’re trying to portray. For example, if your business is related to being ‘outdoorsy’ you may want to host your event in a woodland. 

Finding the right venue can be difficult, because your aim should be to match it to your theme and business. If your theme needs to be adjusted slightly to suit the venue better, don’t worry about it too much. A lot of planning goes into a successful event. 

Creating a unity between these three elements can make the event seem much more cohesive and professional. Ultimately, making your event more effective at reaching its goal.  

Invite the right people

This follows quite closely to having a goal in mind. The goal you chose will reflect who you invite to your launch party

If your goal is building public interest, you may want to invite influencers in your sector. Just like having a relevant theme, it’s important that your influencers are relevant to your business too. 

Picking influencers with higher follower counts is less important than you might think. Did you know that nano and micro influencers actually have the best user engagement? This makes them invaluable to small businesses. 

If your goal is to look for investment opportunities, then you might want to research potential investors. While it’s not always best to pitch at a launch party, informal settings like this can provide excellent opportunities for establishing a rapport.

Once you’ve developed a relationship, it can be easier to receive investment in your business. 

Hand out promotional items

As a start-up, you may not have a lot of funds to work with. If you can find some spare, then try investing in some promotional items

The types of items you invest in must be functional. The goal is to frequently remind the attendees about your business, and if you give them some novelty sunglasses they’ll quickly forget about it.

We’re not saying you have to break the bank, but they should be usable in day to day life. 

Throw your launch party

With all the groundwork done, all that’s left is to set the date and throw your party. As you meet and greet people at your launch party, keep your goal in mind. 

Don’t forget to hand out business cards. These are great for strengthening your network and building long-term connections. 

Bonus! Plan the costs with Countingup

Unfortunately, launch parties are not cheap. If you don’t have an accurate budget, you can end up spending too much and end up in a financial hole. 

Be aware of exactly how much your business has by using the Countingup app. This combination of business current account and accounting software makes it really easy to keep track of your business’s finances

Some of your expenses may be considered business costs. If they are, the Countingup app will automatically sort your payments into HMRC-compliant categories. 

But don’t just take our word for it — try it out for yourself!

Download the Countingup app for free.

What to do at your launch party

So you’re throwing the perfect party, but what do you do now? The short answer is make the most of it. 

If you’ve invited some investors, you may want to give them a quick elevator pitch. It’s a short overview of your business, and how you help potential clients. 

A party isn’t the time for a full pitch, but giving a quick one-to-one can help you deliver a more successful pitch later. 
Need help writing an elevator pitch? Read our guide.


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