An elevator pitch is a short speech or message that gives an overview of your business, your experience, and how you can help a potential client or customer. It’s called an ‘elevator pitch’ because it should take about as long to complete as an average elevator ride. 

This guide will cover:

  • Why elevator pitches are important
  • When and how to use them
  • How to write an elevator pitch in seven steps
  • Tips for writing a winning elevator pitch
  • How Countingup can help free up time to practice on your pitch

Why elevator pitches are important

When done right, an elevator pitch can be one of the simplest and most powerful marketing tools you could have. 

When delivering an elevator pitch, the goal is to make it short and snappy to entice your prospect and make them want to find out more about your business. While the length can vary, you should typically be able to comfortably deliver your elevator pitch in 30 seconds or less. That said, you can take up to 60 seconds if necessary.

When to use an elevator pitch

You can use your elevator pitch for in-person activities like networking events, speaking engagements, as well as online. Making your elevator pitch your LinkedIn summary or Twitter bio means it’s the first thing visitors see when they visit your profile. An elevator pitch is excellent for communicating your skills quickly and effectively.

You can also use your elevator pitch when speaking to prospective clients to convince them to use your services. An elevator pitch is a super-condensed answer to the “tell me about yourself” question.

How to write an elevator pitch

An elevator pitch aims to go beyond what you do and inspire your prospective customer to hire you. In order to achieve this goal, there are a few parts you need to include in your pitch. We’ve listed them below:

  1. Introduce yourself

Start by writing a sentence or two that describes who you are. For example, you might introduce yourself as a software engineer specialising in app development. 

  1. Describe what you offer

After the introduction, you want to share a little information about what you do and who you serve. Think about what your mission is for your business and use that as inspiration for this part of your pitch. Explain what you do every day and why you do it.

  1. Explain what problems you solve

Do you help clients get new apps up and running quickly without spending a ton of money? Or is your focus to build unique and functional apps tailored to each client’s needs and requirements? Identify the value you offer to customers and summarise it in a sentence or two.

  1. Explain how you’re different

To succeed with this part, you need to have established your unique selling point (USP), which is what sets you apart from your competitors. Write about how you’re different from others in your field and why that makes you the right choice. Perhaps you have a unique strategy that gets you results faster, or maybe you have a ton of relevant experience? Whatever it is, make sure to include it in your pitch.

  1. Ask a question

Most often, you’ll give your elevator pitch in person, either at a networking event or during a first meeting. A great way to invoice your potential client is to ask them questions that relate to their business and your proposal. For example, you could ask about their previous struggles with app development or their vision of the perfect app.

  1. Give a call to action

Wrap your elevator pitch up by giving your lead a clear call to action that tells them what to do next. For example, your call to action could be for them to take your business card or respond to your email if they want to know more. 

  1. Write your elevator pitch

Once you know what to include in your elevator pitch, it’s time to put your answers together and condense them so you can deliver them in 30-60 seconds. Edit your pitch until it captures the most important information and flows conversationally. For example:

“Hi, I’m John Doe, and I’m a software developer who helps businesses create functional apps that bring their vision to life. Last month, I built an app for a client that got over 300 downloads in one week. Do you need a stunning new app to expand your service offer? Give me a call to discuss how I can help you reach your goals.”

Tips for creating a winning elevator pitch

Know who you’re targeting

Perhaps the most important thing to consider when writing an elevator pitch is who you’re pitching to. Think about it from their point of view and write a pitch that will answer their questions and quiet their concerns. Your pitch isn’t for your benefit but for your prospect’s. So focus on them.

Less is more

When it comes to elevator pitches, the shorter you can make it while still including all the relevant information, the better. Remember, the goal is to be able to get through your pitch in 30 seconds or less. 

Try leading with a hook

A hook is a statement that grabs attention. Starting your elevator pitch with a hook can be an excellent way to entice your lead from the beginning. For example, you could write something like, “Did you know that app development can be quick and simple with the right process? I specialise in building functional and personalised apps without unnecessary hassle….”

Practice and rehearse

The best way to perfect your elevator pitch is to practice writing it and rehearse delivering it. The more you practice, the better your pitch will be. Rehearse your pitch in front of a friend or a mirror to make sure you nail it when you need to deliver it to a potential client in person. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Free up time to work on your pitch with the Countingup app

Financial admin can be a time-consuming process that steals unnecessary hours away from your day.

That’s why thousands of business owners are using the Countingup app to save time on their financial admin and focus on growing their business. Countingup is the business current account and accounting software in one app. It automates time-consuming bookkeeping admin for self-employed people across the UK. 

With automatic expense categorisation, receipt capture tools and cash flow insights, you can confidently keep on top of your business finances and save yourself hours of accounting admin, so you can focus on doing what you do best. Find out more here.


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