Here’s a call out to those of you whose days are haunted by an overflowing box of receipts. Consider it a PSA for anyone who quakes when those pesky tax return forms hit the doormat.

Some reassurance for the SME owner who puts off doing their books until the very last minute because it just seems like too big a task. A message for the entrepreneur whose heart sinks every time they hear of new tax legislation…

Accounting doesn’t have to be scary!

We totally understand that it can feel overwhelming at times. As a small business owner you’re spinning quite a few administrative plates and if you don’t have the right systems in place accounting can seem dull at best and downright confusing at worst. You may worry about making a mistake or you genuinely can’t figure out how you can fit it into your busy work schedule…it’s tempting just to leave it all for your accountant. After all, that’s what you pay them for, right?

Well, yes. But consider everything you could do with a full understanding of your business finances. Insights based on facts are incredibly powerful.

Knowing exactly where you are with your cash flow at any given time of the year can be hugely liberating. It may show you that, yes, you absolutely can afford to invest in that new equipment you’ve had your eye on, or you’ll get advance warning that you’re not going to make your sales target at a time when you still have a chance to do something about it.

You’ll know exactly where your business stands and you’ll be able to have well-informed conversations with your accountant.

And all of this is so much easier than you think — when you have the right tools

Small business accounting is no longer the spreadsheet-heavy, clunky-accounting-software-that’s-more-trouble-than-it’s-worth world that it used to be. We’re no longer living in an age where you need a PHD in maths just to understand your accounting software.

Countingup is a business current account, created specifically for SME owners that can actually automate your bookkeeping — it’s the ultimate way to simplify your business finances. With all of your records kept in the same place, every time you make a purchase or receive a payment, your accounts will be automatically updated and your transactions categorised.

No more complicated spreadsheets, no more trying desperately to reconcile transactions and no panic when you have to submit your tax return.

Access to a mobile phone and a spare 5 minutes is all you need to open a free Countingup business account today.

Isn’t it time you stopped being afraid of your accounts?


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