There has been an increase in the number of remote business owners and global companies working remotely ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s possible to run a successful business from home, but it has its challenges. In this article, we will look at some ways to run your business more effectively and efficiently. We will look at the following:

  • Keep your costs low
  • Set a schedule
  • Dress for success
  • Join communities and groups
  • Build an online presence
  • Press releases and hosting events
  • Automation

Keep your costs low

As you set up your new business, it can be easy to want to buy the latest software or computer straight away. However, keep in mind that keeping costs low and not overspending is vital to get your business off the ground or keeping it running smoothly. 

At the start, keep your overhead costs as low as possible. Also, make a note of government grants and expenses that you can claim back tax for when you’re self-employed. Some of these expenses include:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Salaries
  • Office supplies and equipment
  • Taxes

Create a good work environment

  • Get in the zone: It can be challenging to sit down and focus when you have to work from a different space every day or work with other family members in the same room. So it’s crucial for your business that you find a dedicated workspace.  It doesn’t have to be a whole new room, it can be simply a dedicated desk, or maybe you could work at a coworking space nearby. When you create a dedicated workspace, you will focus better and get into the right mindset quicker.
  • Set up your space: It’s also essential to ensure that your area is set up as ergonomically as possible. For example, making sure that your chair, desk, and computer are all set up correctly will help you increase productivity and reduce any health risks sitting down at your desk all day. 
  • Make it brighter and greener:  It’s also essential to have good lighting for your eyes and so people can see you on video calls. Finally, if you want to go the extra mile, you can add some greenery to your workspace; plants are proven to boost your mood, which will help you be more productive. 

Set a schedule

One of the perks of working for yourself is that you have a lot more freedom and flexibility to set your schedule. However, if you don’t have a set schedule, you could end up putting things off, not completing all of your work or even miss out on more potential customers. There are several advantages to setting a stricter schedule for yourself, including:

  • You will be able to separate business and personal time easier
  • You will be more productive by setting time blocks to get your work done
  • You will be less stressed because you will be getting more work completed on time

The beauty of running your own business is that you can set a schedule to suit your lifestyle. For example, maybe you want to work early in the morning and take an extended break for lunch and work later in the afternoon. 

Dress for success

Working from home can offer you more flexibility than just setting your schedule. You also don’t have to worry about dressing up every day. However, getting dressed for business can help you perform better while working on your business, and it’s also essential to present yourself well when talking to different potential clients on video calls. 

Socialise and join communities

Probably one of the biggest challenges of running a business from home is social isolation. More introverted people might welcome isolation. However, humans need social interaction, and it can help you positively boost your mood. If you enjoy socialising, make sure to prioritise it and schedule it for your week. Even if it’s just a quick coffee in a local cafe with a friend or a weekly call with a family, it really can make a difference.

Another great way to keep socialising is through online communities. Online communities are an especially great way to meet other entrepreneurs working in a similar setting to you. For example, you can join entrepreneur-focused communities on Slack or groups on Facebook or Linkedin. You could even find some potential clients that would like to use your product or service.

Your online presence

Establishing your company’s presence online is especially important for you if you’re running your business from home. Some of the main areas to focus on are:

  • Company website: Create a simple and effective company website. Make it easy for visitors to navigate your website on their smartphones; It should also be clear about what services or products you offer and make it easy to connect with you if needs be. 
  • Social media: This is becoming even more important for brand awareness and lead generation. Linkedin can be a great platform to find more and connect with potential clients. Meanwhile, Facebook and Instagram are great platforms for building brand awareness and running paid social media ads. Learn more about utilising social media in our article: How to Use Social Media for Business.
  • Create content: The last main component that you should focus on is creating content that makes your business stand out and makes you look like an expert in your field. Whatever your strength is, whether it’s writing, making videos or graphic design, you can use these skills to create content for your company. Alternatively, you could get some outside from a marketing agency or a freelancer. 

Press releases and hosting events

If your business depends on the local community, send a press release to local news outlets or local community groups. If you are primarily based online, you can target smaller websites in your niche.

Another great way to increase your exposure is to do live in-person seminars or online webinars. These online events will help you to build your brand and maybe even a few potential clients.

Automation apps

There are plenty of tools out there to make your life easier. Use them to give yourself more time and freedom to work on essential tasks. Here are some tools that can help you:

  • Calendly: This is a simple appointment tool. Input the times you’re available, and people can book a time slot with you whenever you’re available. You will get an automatic reminder about the appointment.
  • Countingup: The financial app for small business owners. You can make payments, create professional invoices, send them to clients, and get notifications when you’ve been paid. 
  • Hootsuite: This tool helps you to schedule social media posts. Batch all of your social posts at the start of the month and schedule them all easily. 

Save time and focus on what matters with Countingup

Running a business from home takes time and effort – so don’t let bookkeeping admin steal time away from doing what you love. The Countingup app will help you save on the time and stress of maintaining well-organised financial records.

Countingup is the business current account and accounting software in one app. It helps you to automate your business’ financial admin and keep on top of your bookkeeping easily. This will let you focus on other aspects of setting up your business, boosting your productivity.

Create professional invoices in seconds and make sure your accounts are always accurate with automatic expense categorisation and receipt capture prompts. Find out more here and sign up for free today. 


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