You may experience a variety of costs when setting up or running a small tea company, so you decide to search for additional sources of funding. You may also look to set out a strategy for your business and want a way to routinely check if you are following that trajectory. To fulfil both of these aims, putting together a business plan is very useful.

To cover the sections you will need for a business plan for tea a company, this guide includes:

  • Business overview
  • Market strategy
  • Competitor analysis
  • Operations
  • Financial information

Business overview

The first section of your business plan should set out what the company is and what it aims to achieve.

Unique selling point

To make a compelling argument for your business in your plan, highlight your USP (unique selling point). It is the thing about your tea that is special, whether that is the ingredients or process, for example. The key difference in your product from any other is a central pillar of your company.

Mission statement

Business plans also often include a mission statement in their business overview. This outlines what the aims are and where the potential is for growth. The goal could be to become a household name in UK tea within the next five years, for example. Having an aim could help steer the business in the right direction beyond seeking investment or loans.

Marketing strategy

To prove that your business is likely to succeed, a marketing strategy is often included in plans. It sets up your company to present its ability to get your product into the cups of customers. 

Target market

Your target audience (or market) are the people who you want to become your customers. To find out who they should be, it may be beneficial to carry out market research. An example could include surveying members of the public and asking about their tea habits.

Customer profile

After conducting your research, you could benefit from insight into the similarities between your target audience. To show your perfect customer in your business plan, you can put together a customer profile (sometimes called customer avatar). 

A summary for a hypothetical customer can include:

  • name
  • age
  • gender
  • location
  • occupation
  • lifestyle


Based on your tea’s main draws and your target audience, you should be able to put together your brand. Explain the name you have chosen, the logo (if you have one) and the way you would like to present the business. This can include the colours you want your business to use, for example. 

Competitor analysis

Another crucial section for a business plan is competitor analysis. By identifying some other businesses to compete with, it shows that you are in a position to. 


This may involve researching the other companies’ products. One helpful method for your industry is called benchmarking, which is when you take another product and directly test it against your own. In your case, purchasing and analysing their teas might mean you can make sure yours will taste better, for example.

Channels to use

Based on the research of the audience and competition, you should have an idea of how to get customers to buy your tea. By outlining the marketing channels you intend to use, it displays to investors and lenders that you are likely to use the finance they give you effectively. For example, perhaps target younger people and none of your competitors use TikTok, plan to use that platform to advertise.

Financial information

In your business plan, you should calculate and show all of the expected costs for what you would like to do. You could include expenses for any marketing activities, getting a location, equipment or manufacturing. When looking for funding, lenders or investors would likely ask specifically where their money would go. Having a fully costed and transparent business plan may make your venture more appealing.

Financial projection

To show the expectations for your business, you can put together a sales forecast. Estimate the number of sales you expect to receive and multiply it by your sale price to get a projection of the cash coming in. Often covering the first month, quarter or year. Be realistic and, if possible, back it up with research. One example is to look at the foot traffic at the store location.

Financial management with Countingup

To make sure that your financial information is managed and recorded accurately, it may be helpful to set up a separate business account. This allows you to see exactly what is going in and out of the business.

You may also need to record your expenses and make sure that they are all in order, so you can look back at the months to check the health of the business and file taxes correctly.

Countingup is the business current account with built-in accounting software to help make financial management as simple as possible. Its expense categorisation feature means that your costs can be automatically displayed to show which areas of the business they come under. This will help when moving forward with your plan and growing the business.

The Countingup app also includes a receipt capture tool, which means that any services you use can be paid for and easily added to your expenses. Use the phone camera to scan your receipts into the system from anywhere. Seamless, simple, and straightforward! 

Start your three-month free trial today. 
Find out more here.


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