Running out of new content ideas? Maybe your organic traffic is starting to drop off? It’s not the end of the world, you just need to spruce up your content a little. 

Instead of offering new content in the same format, try swapping it around. Share the same content, but in a new format. This can make your old content seem fresh and interesting, helping to restore your online presence. 

Ready to get started? We’ll explore the following options: 

  • Turn it into a video
  • Make an infographic
  • Update older blog posts
  • Podcast it

Why you should repurpose content

Constantly creating new content is extremely important for growing your online presence, but eventually you’re going to hit a wall. When you run out of content to write, where do you go next? 

Repurpose it.

By repurposing content, you’re usually taking older articles and blog posts, and turning them into something new. This new form helps build and maintain high levels of engagement, and usually takes a lot less time than doing it from scratch.

How to repurpose content

Repurposing content is all about taking something you’ve already created, and changing it into a new form so you can share it all over again. 

Turn it into a video

One of the most common ways to repurpose your old content is to turn it into a video. Video is a hugely popular form of online media. Converting content to video works mainly for written pieces, like articles or blog posts. 

As a type of media, videos are inherently more engaging than blog posts. Depending on your editing they can also target three of the four learning styles, while blog posts only target one. The four learning styles are:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Reading
  • Kinesthetic (touch)

Reaching people in their particular style means two things. One, you’re much more likely to engage them. And two, they’re more likely to absorb the information. 

Already creating regular videos? Your content may already exist in a video format, so try recutting your older videos into new bite sized ones

With the rise of TikTok, it’s no secret that audiences are moving towards shorter, easily digestible videos. Take full advantage of new social media, and think about how you can use them to your business’s advantage. 

Make an infographic

If you want other people to reference your content in their work, try turning your work into an infographic

Infographics are excellent ways of sharing reliable information in an easily digestible way. They typically involve some colour too, to help grab and retain customers’ attention. 

Creating an infographic can be challenging if you lack any sort of digital design aptitude, but there are ways around this. Checking out some good freelancing sites can help you hire the right freelancer for your business. 

Create an eBook

Another method of updating your older content is to convert it into an eBook. This will take some effort, since you’ll have to go through your old blog and social media posts and decide what will and won’t make it in. 

Offering an eBook can substantially increase your business’s credibility, and there are no limits to what you can discuss. Since you’re using your existing content to create it, you’re also lessening the workload. 

All of the research and writing is already done, just sitting on your website. So make the most of it, and become a bigger authority in your field. 

Update older blog posts

Is your business publishing regular content? Then you’ve undoubtedly got some out of date information somewhere. Instead of rewriting these posts every year, updating them can actually be a better solution. 

Old posts already have significant ‘domain authority’, meaning search engines like Google prefer them to brand new websites. Make the most of these benefits,

Updating old content is easiest if you haven’t put dates and titles into the ‘bones’ of the article. For example, if your URL has something like “/best-trends-2022”, it’ll be much harder to update your article in following years. 

Instead, only put dates and years in the headings or text. Leave them out of urls and meta descriptions to give yourself the best chance. 

As an additional benefit, most businesses and creators don’t actually remember to update their old content. So by going back and editing your old work, you’re essentially giving your business (and SEO) a massive boost. 

Podcast it

In 2021, there were over 19 million podcast listeners in the UK, and this is expected to hit 28 million by 2026. You can’t deny that podcasting is a growing medium, and an excellent way to further promote your content.

Plus, you’ve already got the topics for discussion. Your old blog posts. 

You don’t need to spend hours researching and writing a script when you already have everything you need right in front of you

If you prefer recording a more relaxed style of podcast, you can even just have a copy of the blog post and discuss it with a co-host. 

Recycling older posts into a new format can make the topic far more accessible to new audiences

You may have some people who would enjoy your content, but they have to drive to work every day. By turning your written content into podcasts, you can now reach these audiences during their commute. 

Want to learn about making your own podcasts? Click here.

Know your budget with Countingup

Repurposing content can cost you money — especially if you’re uploading it in a brand new medium. Instead of recklessly ‘winging it’, use a piece of accounting software to know what your affordable options are. 

The Countingup app is a two-in-one business current account and accounting software, keeping you fully aware of your business’s finances. It automatically sorts your spending, and even attaches payments to relevant invoices. Handy. 
Download the app for free.


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