Whether you want to build your personal brand or create an online course business, it’s a great idea to use webinars. They help you share valuable wisdom with an audience, and you can even ask for a fee to attend.

But to get people to sign up to hear what you have to say, it’s crucial to make sure you can promote it. You’ll look to encourage as many people as possible to see the benefits and sit in on the event.

This guide discusses how to promote your webinar, which includes:

  • Landing pages
  • Emails
  • Blogs
  • Teaser videos
  • Social platforms

Everything to consider for how to promote your webinar

Landing pages

The most important thing to do first is to provide people with a place to sign up for your webinar. That can be through a specific standalone web page (called a landing page), where you direct people to go.

You can create a landing page alongside your website, giving people the option to learn more about you after reading it. But make sure it’s clear that the primary purpose is to get people to sign up.

That could mean that you offer a brief explanation of what you’ll go over and what experience you have that makes you an authority on the subject. If you have guests, also provide information about them.

You can ask for names and email addresses to send out the links to people to sign up. You could also give people the option to sign up to your mailing list to hear about other webinars in future.


With a landing page ready, you can start to direct people towards it. An initial point for how to promote your webinar is through email marketing.

You can speak to people on your current mailing list and email them at different intervals. Promotion of your webinar should begin two weeks before it takes place, and that’s when you should send out emails to introduce it.

Alongside emails, attach a signature to the bottom of each one you send. These give them more credibility, making you look professional. But it’s also the perfect opportunity to provide a link to your landing page.

After the initial email, send another a week before and one more the day before. Don’t fill their inboxes every day, and they’d likely get irritated and unsubscribe. But offer gentle reminders to ensure that they don’t miss out.


To encourage people to sign up for your webinar, they need to trust that you can provide them with valuable information worth their time. A popular way to do that is through content marketing.

Content marketing is a strategy to build your brand’s authority. Branding is how the public views you or your business, and it’s crucial to recognise how that influences their interactions with you.

A business that can offer value to people for free in content like blog articles builds a relationship with audiences. For example, if you provide design help, people will remember where they got that information.

It’s a long-term marketing strategy, people might not remember where they get one source of information. If they keep coming back, though, then they will. That makes the audience more likely to buy from you or attend your webinar.

Teaser videos

To build excitement (sometimes called hype) for something, it’s a great idea to show off how amazing it will be. That’s the same for how to promote your webinar as for a new film.

Teaser videos are a great way to create anticipation because you can get across information quickly. It doesn’t need to be a well-produced masterpiece (unless your topic is film production).

It must be valuable to someone who needs the wisdom you offer, so focus your teaser on them. For example, those with particular occupations like video game developers.

If you’re unsure who would benefit most from your webinar, conduct market research to find out. You can survey the public or set up interviews to ask people about their lives, problems and what they want to learn.

Social platforms

A significant set of tools for how to promote your webinar is the selection of social media platforms. Each lets you post content and can reach different audiences within their users

LinkedIn is a hub for professionals to network and connect. That could make it a great place to share information about your webinar if it could help business startups or those within corporate industries

Instagram is less professional, but it’s still where many brands operate, particularly within fashion or design. It has a focus on visual content, so it could be perfect to promote creative industry skills.

TikTok is the new home for short but engaging content, and it’s especially popular with young people. If your webinar is about skills that could help you get into the world of work, it could be perfect.

Vary your marketing approach

To get as many people to attend your webinar as possible, one promotional option might not be enough. Use your emails to continue to encourage people toward your landing page early on.

Then, use social media to share your teaser and your blogs to build an audience. The more people you get to interact with your brand, the more likely they’ll sign up in the lead up to it.

Organise your webinar promotional costs with Countingup

A varied approach is likely to give you the most success for your webinar, but there could be more costs for you to track. Those could include paid social media advertising or email marketing campaigns.

Countingup is a business account with built-in accounting software. Its expense categorisation feature can sort your costs automatically into HMRC approved labels.

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