Sewing is a great practical skill, and if you’re good enough, it’s a great way to make some money. But, like most other companies, a sewing business relies on a steady stream of customers to operate profitably.  So before you start a sewing business, it’s smart to think about how you’re going to promote it.

This article will show you how to promote your sewing business with a variety of different marketing methods. We’ll provide a few different pieces of advice, including:

  • Perform some market research
  • Make a plan
  • Try social media
  • Build a business website
  • Workshops
  • Managing income from new customers with Countingup 

Perform some market research

It’s essential to conduct market research before starting a business, but it can also help to perform some research before starting a project like promoting your business. 

Market research is an information-gathering process where you find out as much as you can about the kind of people who buy your products and use your services. It means looking into what they want from products, their preferences when interacting with businesses, and the kind of promotion that appeals to them.

By performing market research, you’ll know the most effective method of promotion to use. For instance, you might discover that most of your customers use Pinterest frequently, so you should focus on making content for that platform. Or you might find that a lot of your customers live in your local area, so you might want to promote the location of your brick-and-mortar store (if you have one).

Make a plan 

Planning is a vital first step in achieving your business goals. Promotion is no different from any other task in that having a plan makes the job much easier and generally more effective.

When it comes to promoting your sewing business, your plan will be a combination of a schedule and a budget. The goal of this type of plan is to figure out how much time you’re going to spend on promoting your business, and how much money it will cost you to promote the business effectively.

As a small business owner, it might be that your time is in a shorter supply than money, so you may be unwilling to try a variety of different marketing strategies in case you waste time on something ineffective. Though good time management is crucial, it’s also important to know how to promote your sewing business as best you can. This means that it’s smart to test out a few strategies, if only for a short time. 

Try social media 

In the modern digital marketplace, it’s vital that you know how to use social media for business. We’ve provided a few examples below of how to use specific social media platforms to promote your sewing business.


Setting up a Facebook page is actually a fairly common marketing move for small businesses, but it’s less common to see businesses use them effectively. Consistent, high-quality content is the key to using Facebook as an effective tool for promoting your business. 

Facebook is also a good social media platform for businesses to use because of Facebook’s advertising services. Using these services, you can select a specific audience you’d like to target with your adverts, and Facebook will only show the adverts to your specific audience. 

Whether your business focuses on selling sewn products or offering sewing services, you can combine the results of your market research with Facebook advertising to draw a huge number of new customers to your business. 


Although it’s not one of the biggest social media websites, Pinterest is particularly useful to a sewing business because it focuses on visual media. With a little bit of quality photography, you can start putting examples of your products on Pinterest for users to view and save to their profiles. 


Similarly to Pinterest, Youtube will be helpful because it focuses on visual media. This being said, Youtube differs from Pinterest because it’s more helpful in showing off your skills than showing off your products.

A good way to promote your sewing business through Youtube is to post instructional videos or demonstrations showing how talented you are. The videos may get a lot of views due to interest in your ability, but the educational slant will also attract a good number of viewers. Whatever their reasons, the more people who watch your videos, the bigger your brand and reputation will grow. 

Build a business website

Creating a business website is a great way to promote your business for two reasons. Firstly, it gives potential customers another way of finding and contacting you. Secondly, it allows you to promote your business to the enormous number of people using the internet daily.

Being available on multiple communication channels is important for a small business, as your size can sometimes make you hard to find. By having a website, you offer another avenue that customers can discover you on and create a hub that you can connect all your social media to. 

Don’t worry if you’re not a programmer or computer expert: there are a ton of website builders online that provide a simple and easy way to design your website. Try out a few to find the one that best suits your business needs

Managing income from new customers with a simple app

If all goes to plan and you find a great way to promote your sewing business, you can expect many new customers. This means more income, which means you might need to put more time into your financial management.

When you’re running your own business, it’s important to keep your personal and business finances separate from day one – to save yourself from time-consuming admin headaches further down the line. 

When you sign up for a Countingup business current account, you’ll receive free accounting software with a range of time-saving tools. 

Simply log into the app to create and send invoices, get financial insights, and confidently manage your new business finances Find out more here.


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