If you sell products or services geared towards children, you may want to consider how you’ll reach kids in your marketing. 

Most children don’t carry around wallets of their own. Still, they often have the power to convince their parents to make a purchase

But how might you create a marketing strategy that encourages children to want what your small business offers? Don’t worry; we can help. 

This guide covers how to market to children, including:

  • Building a relevant brand identity 
  • Appealing to children’s interests
  • Thinking about the parents 
  • Considering the ethics
  • Using tactics to reach kids 

How to market to children in a way that sticks

Build a brand identity that speaks to kids

A huge part of how to market to children is building a brand with them in mind. 

Your brand is the way you present your business to the public and it can help you reach people interested in your products or services. 

Define your audience

To create a strong brand, narrow down your target audience

What age range do you want to reach? For example, you might market toys for ages 1-10 differently than games for ages 7-13.

Create a relevant brand identity

Consider the colours you want to use for your brand as they can impact how your audience perceives your business. On top of this, think about which tone of voice you’ll stick to. For example, you may want to use a lighthearted and informal tone. 

Plus, it’s important to develop a sense of reliability and trustworthiness with your brand. Dependability can help you build loyalty for consistent sales.

When it comes to creating a brand that catches kids’ eyes, you might want to include:

  • Bright and vibrant colours in the design, logo, and packaging
  • Playful, fun, and simple language 
  • Images of other children enjoying your products or services

See also: how to use psychology in marketing.

Appeal to children’s interests in your marketing

Once you build a brand with kids in mind, you can develop the right marketing tactics. In other words, your content should reflect your audience, so try to speak to kids directly

Think about what kids want and how your products can bring them joy. If you sell toys, think about how kids can have fun with your specific products

Apart from making relevant content for kids, it’s important to put your marketing in places that this audience will find it. For example, you might focus on:

  • Kids’ settings or events – like festivals, playgrounds, or schools
  • Social media platforms that skew younger – like Youtube or TikTok 
  • Game platforms or TV channels for kids – such as CBeebies

Think about the parents 

Though it’s important to know how to market to children, parents have the spending power. So, the main goal of your marketing is to get children to convince their parents to make that purchase.

Meanwhile, be sure to make your products worthy of purchasing, so it’s easier for parents to say yes.

Though kids might not be swayed by discounts and deals, offering value and affordability can sway the parents. You may not need to focus on prices in your marketing, but they can help close the deal. 

Consider the ethics

Marketing your products to kids is a little different from marketing to adults. Content can influence kids more easily, so it’s up to you to have the right intentions.

To remain ethical in your marketing, try not to trick, confuse, or mislead kids accidentally. The purpose of marketing is to show why your products or services are worth buying while remaining honest and transparent. 

Also, ensure the products or services you sell are suitable for kids and won’t put them at risk. Products unsafe for children, like cigarettes, probably shouldn’t try to win them over. 

So try running your products by friends or a focus group to make sure they’re suitable for children. 

Use tactics that reach kids

Let’s go over a few ways you might try to reach your younger audience.


Targeted advertising is a great tactic for reaching children. You could create fun adverts with catchy music and bright visuals. 

Then, consider posting these adverts to platforms where kids will come across them, such as:

Social media

Another way to reach kids is by creating fun videos and original content for that audience. You might post videos related to your products or tell a fun story that promotes your business. 

For example, if you run a toy store, you could post craft instructional videos on YouTube to help kids create fun projects.

Events promotion

Attending festivals or fairs could help you reach kids. You could set up a booth or pass out fliers for your business. 

Alternatively, consider holding your own events and offer free merchandise or activities for kids

For instance, think about setting up a free face paint booth in a local park and passing out discounts for your shop. The facepaint can win over the kids, and the discounts can convince the parents.

Street marketing

Street marketing is another effective tactic to try. 

You could set up a game outside your shop or create an interactive artwork for kids to play with. For instance, you might set up a ring toss on the pavement and offer a small toy to winners.

Boosting your sales by marketing to children 

Knowing how to market to children can help you build a successful buzz around your business. Just remember to:

  • Build a brand with kids in mind 
  • Speak to children in your marketing 
  • Keep the parents’ side of things in mind
  • Maintain ethical standards

Using these tips will help you grow the right audience for your business. Next, you’ll need to earn the sale. With that in mind, you might want to check out our article on how to boost business sales

Simplify your finances with a clever app

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