A strong business website is essential to any accounting firm. Today, 87% of consumers in the UK research a product or service online before purchasing. So having a  website both makes you more accessible and helps people get to know your business better. 

When people look for an accountant, chances are they have specific needs. If your website accurately displays your strengths and specialisation, you’ll pull in the right clients and grow your business. Improving your accounting firm website design can increase your outreach, but only if you know where to start.

This guide will cover tips for a better accounting firm website design, including: 

  • Branding it to the right people
  • Making it easy to navigate 
  • Updating it regularly
  • Improving customer service 
  • Adding reviews 

Branding your website to the right people

Your accounting firm’s website design is the first impression of your business. If it’s a strong one, you can convince people to stay. To start, consider how you currently brand your website. Do you have an established and memorable brand identity that considers your target audience

For example, if you primarily do taxes for small businesses, you may want to include photos of small merchants and add niche tax tips in the captions. These elements not only show what you do as an accountant, but they speak directly to your customers and help them feel at home. 

If you feel your website branding could use an update, you may want to pick a new colour scheme or rewrite your website content with a more consistent and purposeful tone. For example, if you prefer an informal approach, you could write in a casual style. Then, write a one-line call to action (CTA) on the homepage to show people how you can help them. 

Next, consider redesigning your business logo to act as a centrepiece to the site. You could hire a designer to help you make this look modern and professional, or you could try doing it yourself using tools like Adobe or Canva.  

Making your website easy to navigate 

Have you ever found a website that looked like it was from the beginning of the internet? It likely had a flat structure with only one or two pages, chunky buttons, and a lot of block text. A design like this can reduce the site’s credibility. That’s not how you want your website to look.  

Your accounting firm’s website design should have modern touches that make navigating the site easy and enjoyable. The more efficient it is to find information and move around the site, the more likely people are to stay there. 

Consider picking two colour tones and include blocks of colour that separate text. On top of this, ensure that you have professional illustrations or photos and blocks of blank space. Avoid adding too much text to each page. Plus, add links to other sections wherever possible. For example, if you discuss a service you offer on the home page, add a link to the services page. 

Make sure all the most essential information — your services, prices, and contact information  — is present. More importantly, ask yourself if the design makes that information easy to find.  Finally, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, which you can check here. Being mobile-friendly is crucial to your accessibility since about 52% of people search on mobiles and tablets rather than desktops. 

Updating your website regularly 

Once you update the design of your website, remember to update its content regularly as well. A strong website for an accounting firm should appear current and engaging. First, make sure all the content on your site’s informational pages (contacts, services, and about) is up to date and accurate. 

Then, consider adding a section for updates and announcements so visitors will see that you care to keep people informed. With the latest information, your site appears more credible and trustworthy. 

Another way to update your website content is by starting a blog using search engine optimisation (SEO) tactics to increase its likelihood of ranking on Google. With quality informational articles on accounting, tax, and financial management, you could increase traffic to your site and show you’re an expert in your field. Not only will this grow your audience, but it could convince potential clients to do business with you. 

Improving customer service

Make sure you have an accessible contact page that outlines your email, phone number, and address if necessary. You can also include the essential contact information on the subheader of your website, so it’s visible no matter which page the user is on. Aside from the main contact details, you can also include any social media handles for your business. 

To improve your customer service, you may want to include a suggestion or message form on your site. With this, site visitors can quickly contact you without opening a separate email window. Plus, consider adding a FAQ section to your site that provides answers to common questions. 

Adding reviews 

Your accounting firm’s website design might also benefit from a reviews section. By including positive reviews and testimonials, you can build your reputation. If you have reviews on a platform like Trustpilot, you may even want to embed the review page into your website. 

Save time on accounting admin with Countingup 

As your new and improved accounting website helps grow your client base, remember that you can save time on manual admin and help your clients keep organised records with Countingup’s free accounting software. It’s built specifically to help you manage your self-employed and sole trader clients.

The app automates time-consuming bookkeeping admin for your clients so they can focus on running their business—and send you accurate, structured data to work from. 

Countingup’s accounting software is MTD-compatible and full of features for you to efficiently review and manage client accounts with direct access to their real-time organised data. Find out more here.


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