Every business needs an “about me page”, but most people never really consider why it’s there or how to make a good one. 

So, to help you make the perfect about me page for your business, let’s look at some basic things to include and why they’re important. 

What are the benefits of a good “about me” page?

Add a personal touch

An “about me” page will put a friendly face on your business. Showing you and your team’s pictures and personal bios will let readers know exactly who they’re getting into business with. 

That personal touch will put readers at ease, as they’ll know they’re talking to real people rather than a faceless, uncaring organisation. 

Build trust

That personal touch will also help build trust in your readers. People will know who you are, what you’ve done, and most importantly, why they should work with you. 

This doesn’t just apply to customers, though. Any staff you hire or businesses you want to collaborate with will check out your web page to get a sense of who you are before they make a decision. A good “about me” page will help build a foundation of trust that convinces them to work with you. 

Convince the readers

A well written “about me” page could also convince customers to choose your business, or convince potential candidates to work with you. 

Businesses are more than just facts and figures. And while an about me page probably isn’t enough on its own to convince people on its own, it might just be the final thing to help make up their minds. 

What should I include on my about me page?

Start with a mission statement

It’s a good idea to make a strong impression with a short, clear, mission statement at the top.

A good mission statement is like a good first impression. You shouldn’t overthink it too much. Just tell everybody who you are, what you do, and what sets you apart from your competitors. 

Nailing that first impression will inspire confidence in readers and convince them to find out more. 

Show your values

Talking about your values is an excellent way for readers excited about your business. Mentioning your work ethic and commitment to quality is a good start, but nowadays, people also consider your moral values. 

In that vein, you should try to mention anything you think is important that might convince people you have a solid moral base. Some good examples could be:

  • Charities you support or donate to.
  • Political movements your business is active in.
  • Industry-related issues, like fair wages or safe working conditions. 

Remember, only include values if they are actually values that you have. Lying or exaggerating could come back to haunt you later on. 

Tell your story

This is your chance to add some colour to your “about me” page and impress some people along the way. You should outline the journey you’ve taken to get where you are today, the obstacles you’ve overcome, and the way you did it. 

Hearing your story not only humanises your business, it tells people that you got where you are through hard work and skill, letting them know your business can be trusted to get the job done. 

Include employee biographies

Include a short biography and photo for you and your team members. This adds a human face to the business, making readers more comfortable with you. If they do get in touch to ask about a service or product, they’ll already know who it is they’re speaking to. 

Additionally, showcasing your team members tells everybody that you’re proud of the team you have and care about the work you do together. 

Make it benefit led

This isn’t something to include precisely but more of a general rule. Everything you mention in your “about me” page needs to be benefit led. By this, we mean it needs to propose an actual benefit to the customer. 

For example:

  • Values – your customer will be supporting a business with a strong moral base.
  • Story – you’ve worked hard to get where you are, and your customers will be given that same level of dedication. 
  • Biography – you have an incredible team of qualified people who will be there to help the customer. 

Think about your style

Of course, it’s not just the content that’s important. Readers will be paying close attention to your writing style and tone of voice.

In terms of tone, that’s really up to you and your particular brand. Whether you present a sleek, professional image, or something more wholesome and casual, it should be reflected in your “about me” page. The important thing is consistency. 

When it comes to technical things like grammar and structure, these need to be perfect. Spelling and grammar mistakes might not bother everybody, but it’s a significant factor for a lot of people.

Writing software like Grammarly is great for avoiding silly mistakes and confusing sentences. It can’t write anything for you, but it’ll tidy up anything you do have. 

Alternatively, if you do need a little more help, you could consider hiring content writers to help you out. Freelance writers or agencies could help at all levels, whether you need entire pages written for, or you just need some help with a particular section. 

Manage your finances with Countingup

Financial management can be stressful and time-consuming when you’re self-employed. That’s why thousands of business owners use the Countingup app to make their financial admin easier. 

Countingup is the business current account with built-in accounting software that allows you to manage all your financial data in one place. With features like automatic expense categorisation, invoicing on the go, receipt capture tools, tax estimates, and cash flow insights, you can confidently keep on top of your business finances wherever you are. 

You can also share your bookkeeping with your accountant instantly without worrying about duplication errors, data lags or inaccuracies. Seamless, simple, and straightforward! 

Find out more here.


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