When you work as a freelancer, it’s up to you to find work opportunities that grow your income. A great way to do this is by reaching out to relevant agencies that hire freelancers. 

But if you’re not familiar with the process, you may miss out on these chances. So how can you pitch yourself in a way that wins over agencies? Don’t worry; we can help. 

This guide explains how to approach agencies for freelance work, including:

  • Building your portfolio
  • Finding the right agencies 
  • Creating a strong pitch
  • Communicating clearly

See also: 3 common freelancer challenges and how to overcome them.

How to approach agencies for freelance work

As a freelancer, your success depends on how you present yourself. Approaching agencies for work is a delicate process, but you can get it right with the proper tools.  

Build your freelance portfolio 

To win over agencies, you’ll need evidence of your freelance talents. A strong portfolio can help with this. 

Your freelance portfolio showcases the best of your work to prove your abilities. It can also show that you’re professional, reliable, and experienced. It’s an essential part of convincing agencies to hire you. 

Include your best work

To create a portfolio, think about building a website that can hold your best work. 

As you earn experience, you add the finished work to your portfolio. With that said, you must have a legal right to share this work and may need the client’s consent

You may also want to share the details of the project, such as who it was for. If you’ve worked with top agencies in the past, this can make you look more desirable.

Add client testimonials

On top of including your best work, think about collecting testimonials from clients that complimented your work. You can also include an ‘about’ page that lists your qualifications and previous work experience.  

Try branding your portfolio to make it memorable and attractive. For example, you might use a consistent font throughout and stick to a colour scheme. 

Know the characteristics of a strong portfolio

As you put yours together, consider these signs of a strong portfolio: 

  • It’s relevant to your services 
  • It’s easy to navigate 
  • It’s updated regularly 
  • It provides accessible contact information

To learn more, check out our article on how to build a professional portfolio.

Find the right agencies 

Each agency needs something different from a freelancer. So, it’s important to find the best agencies for what you have to offer. 

Research relevant agencies 

When you contact relevant agencies, your success rate will increase. As a result, you’ll waste less time approaching dead ends.

For example, if you focus on freelance food writing, you don’t want to reach out to just anyone. When you approach an agency that focuses on marketing, your talents might not fit their needs. 

Do some research to find the best agencies to approach. To start, define your freelance niche and ideal work. Then, search for agencies that fall within that market. 

Also, think about networking with other people within your niche as they might know ideal agencies. 

Know the agencies you contact

When you come across an agency that seems like a good fit, get to know them better. First, determine if they hire freelancers.

Then, read through their website and learn more about their services. What do they focus on and what work might they need? The more you know about the agency, the easier it’ll be to win them over. 

As you research, put together a list of potential agencies. If you have between 10 and 20 to reach out to, you’ll have a better chance of earning work. 

Create a pitch

Before you approach an agency for freelance work, put together an elevator pitch. This pitch outlines what you hope to offer the agency and sells you as a professional. 

Answer the key questions

To make your pitch clear and effective, be sure to answer the main questions an agency might ask. For example:

  • Who are you, and what are your qualifications? 
  • Why should they hire you as a freelancer? What sets you apart from other options? 
  • What unique skills and experience can you offer? 

Fill in the details

Once you explain who you are, detail your work proposal. Try to include the following:  

  • What – what specific work can you do for this agency? Include some topic or project ideas as well as why they’re beneficial. Is it a one time project or an ongoing contract?
  • When – when will you complete this project for them, and how long will you need?
  • How – what format will this project come in? 
  • Who – what audience does it benefit?
  • How much – how much do you charge? You may not bring this up in your initial pitch, but it’s smart to consider.  

Communicate clearly

When it’s time to approach agencies for freelance work, you can do so by email

Use the information we covered above to write a clear proposal. Outline who you are, what you offer, and add a link to your portfolio

Try to appear friendly, clear, and professional in your correspondence. How you present yourself is half the journey to winning agencies over. So, read over your communication for any spelling or grammatical mistakes before sending it off. 

Be sure to share the best way to contact you and reply to any responses promptly. If you don’t hear back from an agency in a week, consider following up politely to keep them engaged. 

Earn freelance agency work with the right approach 

With this guide, you can learn how to approach agencies for freelance work and tailor your proposal to catch their attention. Here are the key things to remember: 

  • Build a portfolio that converts.
  • Reach out to agencies that fit your niche. 
  • Create a pitch that presents you well.
  • Communicate your proposal clearly and professionally.

As you bring in more work from agencies, you may need to juggle several projects at once. Next, you may want to check out our article on how to prioritise workload as a freelancer

Simplify your freelance finances with Countingup 

As you win over agencies with your pitch, you’ll need to stay on top of your freelance finances. 

Countingup is the business current account and accounting software in one app. It automates time-consuming bookkeeping admin for thousands of self-employed people across the UK. 

Save yourself hours of accounting admin so you can focus on growing your business. 

Start your three-month free trial today. 

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