The Easter holiday brings with it plenty of chocolate and the promise of spring. So, why not capitalise on the festivities by running a competition on social media for your business? 

A themed competition can entertain people and motivate them to engage with your business. As a result, you can spark a conversation around your products and services to increase sales. 

This guide covers seven fun Easter competition ideas for social media, including:

  • Digital Easter egg hunt 
  • Guess the number of chocolates
  • The best Easter dish 
  • Easter-themed caption competition
  • Bunny drawing competition 
  • Easter-themed riddles or trivia 
  • Most creative use of your products for Easter

See also: How to run a competition on social media.

7 great Easter competition ideas for social media 

Contests can earn the attention of your audience and increase engagement. 

With a themed contest, you can reward your customers and encourage them to share your page. Let’s look at a few great Easter competition ideas for social media. 

Digital egg hunt 

The egg hunt is a classic Easter tradition, so why not create a fun social media competition out of it? 

You could post pictures with hidden eggs on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. In fact, using several platforms could help you build traffic. 

Think about hiding eggs on your business website or blog to turn the contest into a scavenger hunt. Or put them around your shop and ask people to post pictures of the ones they find.

As people find eggs, they can comment on your page or direct message you. Then, the first person to find all the eggs could win a chocolate prize or gift card for your business

Alternatively, you could enter people in a lottery giveaway with each egg they find. The more eggs they spot, the more entries they can earn.

Guess the number of chocolates 

A guessing game is another great competition idea. You could post a picture of a jar of chocolate eggs and ask your followers how many eggs they think there are. Tell them to comment and share their guesses before the deadline.

The person with the closest answer could win the whole jar of chocolate or a free product or service from your business. 

The best Easter dish 

If your business is in the food industry, you may want to run a competition for the best Easter dishes or baked goods. This approach is a great way to tailor your contest to your target audience

Encourage your followers to post pictures of what they cook or bake for the special day. If they tag your business and use a unique hashtag, you’ll enter them into the running

Then, pick the most impressive looking dish, post it on your social pages, and offer them a gift card to your business. 

A themed caption competition

An Easter-themed caption competition is a great way to increase interactions on your social media pages. Consider posting an Easter photo on your Instagram and asking people to comment their best caption ideas. 

You might take a picture of your business or products decorated for Easter. For example, you could dress up as a bunny and strike a funny pose outside your shop. Or think about designing an Easter cartoon in line with your audience.

Write down the best captions you notice and pick the top three. Then post the picture with the best winning caption on your social media and offer the winner a gift card. 

An art competition 

If you want to get a little creative, why not run an art contest? You could ask people to send their best bunny drawings or most creatively painted eggs

The winning artist could win a painting kit or product giveaway. 

This approach could be great if your business targets a younger audience, like a toy store. It’s also an excellent pick for a craft business as your audience may be more artistic. 

Easter-themed riddles or trivia 

Riddles and trivia are also excellent ways to pull attention to your business. Try posting a few Easter-themed riddles or trivia questions. 

For example, you might ask questions about the history behind Easter or fun statistics, such as when the first egg hunt took place. Or you could Google some riddles, like these

Then, ask people to follow your page and direct message their answers. You can enter the winners into a prize giveaway.  

Just remember, if the answers to the question are easy to find online, people may look them up. So try finding more challenging or less searchable riddles and questions. 

Pictures of your products for Easter

If your products could be beneficial around Easter, consider using them in your competition. You may ask customers to post their most innovative uses of your products for Easter and tag your business.      

Similarly, if you run a garden shop, you might ask customers what tools were most useful for their spring planting. Or, if you sell cakes or cupcakes, you could ask people to post pictures of your cakes at their holiday festivities. 

Tagging your business in their post can enter them in the running for a giveaway or gift card.

Turn the Easter holiday into business buzz 

With one of these Easter competition ideas for social media, you can draw attention to your brand. From a digital egg hunt to a fun trivia, pick the best approach to excite your customers while increasing traffic to your business. 

Would you like to find other ways to promote your business on social media this Easter? If so, consider checking out our article on Easter social media post ideas for small business.

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