Blogging for your small business is a great way to reach more people within your target audience. Plus, it can help you build a reputation as an expert within your market. 

Businesses that blog actually enjoy 126% faster lead growth, so this approach can help grow your business. But if you want to create a great blog that converts leads, you’ve come to the right place.  

This guide covers six blogging tips for small businesses. We’ll cover how to:

  • Create relevant content  
  • Speak to your audience 
  • Publish regularly 
  • Optimise your content 
  • Invite guest contributors
  • Promote your blog

Creating a great blog: top blogging tips for small business

Blogs let you grow your small business’s digital presence. But only if you take the time to get it right. Let’s go over the best tips for business blogging. 

1) Create relevant content

To create strong content for your blog, the information you publish must remain relevant to your market. This content won’t always directly market your business, but it should be helpful to your customer base

Be sure to write about topics that allow you to reach the people who might buy your products or services. A clear content strategy can also help develop a steady stream of ideas. 

Consider brainstorming a list of potential topics. What might interest your target audience? You can also research similar blogs to find ideas. 

Here are a few things you might write about:

  • Questions people often ask about your business or market 
  • Essential definitions 
  • Tips and information relevant to your market, products, or services 
  • ‘How to’ guides in line with your business
  • Industry news and research.

2) Speak to your audience 

Try to make your blog content sound consistent to appear professional and reliable. Creating a tone of voice guideline can help with this. For example, you may want to sound formal and knowledgeable or casual and friendly.

When you write blog content, also try speaking directly to your audience. Who are your readers, and what do they need from you? 

For example, if you offer design services to social media influencers, you might target a younger audience. As a result, you could use accessible and casual language that they respond to. 

3) Publish regularly

Regularly posting content allows you to reach more people with your blog. 

It’ll be challenging to maintain a presence if you post sporadically or infrequently. So, try setting yourself a reasonable goal. You might publish one article a week or ten a month. To stick to this goal, create a content calendar. 

Content calendars can organise your article ideas, give you deadlines, and help you break up your work. Say you decide to publish blogs each Friday. You could schedule time to write and proofread it in the days leading up to publication.   

To streamline and organise the content scheduling process, consider using a project management tool like

4) Optimise your content

Writing engaging and quality content is another excellent blogging tip for small businesses. There are a few ways to enhance your content. 


Search engine optimisation, or SEO, helps you increase the authority of your blog and rank more highly on search engines

A higher ranking can get your content in front of the right eyes, increasing your readership and overall website traffic. As a result, you can win over more customers.  

Here are some SEO tactics to incorporate into your blog:

  • Headings – incorporate H1, H2, and H3 headers into your content to organise it and improve the formatting so Google can understand it. 
  • Keywords – include words and phrases that people are searching for within this topic or market. Use a tool like Semrush or Ubersuggest to find these keywords. 
  • Internal links – link your articles to other articles in your blog to create a connecting web that simplifies the reader journey 

Check out our beginner’s guide to small business SEO to learn more.  

Add visuals

Incorporating visuals can further enhance your blog articles, making them more interesting and easier to digest

Find photos and infographics to support your tips, instructions, and listicles on platforms like Unsplash. Or hire a designer to add eye-catching elements.

Include a CTA

Finish your article with a Call To Action (CTA) that helps win readers over. 

Your CTA can quickly introduce your business and show how you might help the reader. CTAs use active language and include a link. It’ll encourage people to do something, such as subscribe or purchase your products or services. 

Say you run a bookstore and write an article about the best adventure books to read. You could finish the article with ‘visit our store today and stock up.’ 

Proofread it

Before you publish content to your blog, make sure you proofread for spelling and grammar. An article riddled with spelling errors and unclear writing will lose readers. Strong writing appears more professional. 

To proofread your writing efficiently, consider using a tool like Grammarly.

5) Invite guest contributors 

Inviting guest contributors lets you increase your blog following through cross-promotion

Try reaching out to people within your market and ask them to write a guest post on your blog. They can add a fresh perspective while bringing new people to your platform.  

6) Promote your blog 

Once you create quality and engaging content for your blog, make sure people know about it. You can use social media platforms to promote your content and grow your readership

Additionally, you may want to mention recent articles in an email newsletter. You could also direct your customers to the blog so they can learn valuable information related to your business. 

Establishing marketing that grows for your business 

With these blogging tips for small businesses, you can create a blog that draws in readers and builds your brand reputation. Just remember to: 

  • Publish content that fits your market.  
  • Develop a tone of voice for your target audience. 
  • Use a content calendar to publish consistently.
  • Focus on quality and engagement. 
  • Work with other bloggers in your industry.
  • Get your blog in front of the right people.

Want to learn more about creating marketing that converts? Read our article on how to improve your content for better marketing next. 

Simplify your finances with a clever app

As you build a blog that wins customers, it’s crucial to stay on top of your business finances. 

Countingup is the business current account and accounting software in one app. It automates time-consuming bookkeeping admin for thousands of self-employed people across the UK. 

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