It’s important to celebrate your achievements in business. It can often feel like an uphill battle, so taking a moment to sit back and feel good about your progress will keep you motivated for the future and remind you of just how far you’ve come. 

Of course, everybody is different, so what you think is worth celebrating might not be the same as everybody. Still, we’ve put together a list of business milestones that we believe are big moments in the life of a new business. 

Specifically, we’ll be talking about these milestones: 

  1. The first sale
  2. The first international sale
  3. The first profit
  4. The first birthday
  5. The second birthday
  6. The first outside hire
  7. The first premises
  8. The first 1,000 followers on social media

If you’re able to hit these milestones in your first few years of operation, it’s a good sign that you’re on the right track. 

  1. The first sale

Most start-ups will get some sales from supportive family and friends, so we’re talking about the first organic sale. The first sale to somebody that has no personal connection to you.

This is a huge moment for a few reasons. First of all, it’s money, which is most likely why you went into business in the first place. 

But more than that, it’s proof of concept. It’s a sign that what you’re offering is a viable idea. There’s always a fear that the public just won’t respond to your idea, or that you’re on the wrong track. But that first sale will tell you that you’re doing something right and you’re one step closer to achieving your business goals

  1. The first international sale

The next big sale to celebrate is the one from another country. It shows your business can expand internationally and operate all over the globe. 

Some businesses are only relevant in their home countries, which is fine, but an international sale shows that your business has appeal further afield. 

It’s an exciting milestone because it offers a whole world of possible revenue streams. But more than that, it introduces the possibility of a huge cultural shift. Trading internationally could lead to new experiences in new countries with interesting people. 

  1. The first profit

Sales are obviously important, but your business won’t be viable unless it can make an actual profit. That’s why the first profit margin is a huge milestone for so many business owners. 

It proves that you’re moving in the right direction, managing your finances properly, and trading at a consistent level with a product that has long-term appeal. 

Most businesses won’t see any actual profit for the first few years, so it could be a while before you get to celebrate this one. But that just makes it all the more exciting when you do. 

  1. The first birthday

Around 20% of new businesses fail within their first year. So the first birthday is a huge milestone just for the fact that you’re still around. 

But more than that, it’s an opportunity to reflect on how far you’ve come, the success of your project, what you’ve learned, and how you’ll use what you’ve learned in the future. 

  1. The second birthday

That’s right, the second year of business is worth celebrating just as much as the first. And, while we’re at it, the third, fourth, and fifth birthdays are all huge milestones. 

In fact, every year you’ve managed to keep your business going is cause for celebration. So, whether it’s your first year of business, or your twentieth, always take the time to congratulate yourself and your employees when your business’ birthday rolls around. 

  1. The first outside hire

To save costs, most new businesses are small operations with a couple of people that already know each other. So the first time you hire a new staff member from the public is a big moment.

It means you’ve reached a point where your workload is too much to handle on your own, and it means you’ve got the capital to invest in a new worker. These are both signs of healthy growth that are definitely worth celebrating. 

  1. The first premises

Most small businesses will start in a garage or living room unless they’re hospitality businesses. And these days it’s easier than ever before to run a business from home

That said, moving into an actual office is a huge milestone for a business. It’s a sign of successful growth, and can give you and your business a feeling of professionalism. 

For hospitality businesses, like bars, restaurants, and coffee shops, this step needs to come a little sooner, but it’s still a huge milestone. Sometimes even more so, because the building itself will play a huge role in the success of the business. 

Either way, moving into a working building proves, in a very physical way, that your business is really happening.

  1. The first 1,000 followers on social media

This one doesn’t just apply to businesses that revolve around social media. Any business with a social media presence should celebrate when they start to gather a large following. 

And it doesn’t need to be 1,000 followers either. The first 100, 10,000, 100,000, and so on, are all incredible milestones that should be celebrated. Some platforms, like YouTube, will even send you special plaques when you hit a certain number of subscribers to celebrate your accomplishment. 

Gaining recognition on social media is further proof that your business has something to offer, and it’s a good sign for the future of your business.  

Keep hitting your milestones with Countingup

Financial management can be stressful and time-consuming when you’re self-employed. That’s why thousands of business owners use the Countingup app to make their financial admin easier. 

Countingup is the business current account with built-in accounting software that allows you to manage all your financial data in one place. With features like automatic expense categorisation, invoicing on the go, receipt capture tools, tax estimates, and cash flow insights, you can confidently keep on top of your business finances wherever you are. 

You can also share your bookkeeping with your accountant instantly without worrying about duplication errors, data lags or inaccuracies. Seamless, simple, and straightforward! 

Find out more here.


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