Do you enjoy creating unique jewellery designs? If so, you might want to turn these skills into cash. One way to profit from your designs is by selling them to jewellery companies. 

This approach requires far less investment than creating and selling your own jewellery. But if you’ve never done it before, you may not know where to start. We can help with that. 

This guide covers how to sell jewellery designs to companies, including:

  • Researching the market 
  • Building your skills
  • Creating designs 
  • Building a portfolio
  • Finding sales opportunities 
  • Pitching your ideas  

How to create sellable jewellery designs 

Before you can sell your jewellery designs to companies, you’ll need to create professional designs. We’ll cover some essential tips. 

Research the market 

If you want to design jewellery that people will buy, it’s important to understand the industry. Conducting market research allows you to learn about popular styles, demand, and competition

This research can also show you leading jewellery companies that might buy your designs.

Build your skills 

If you don’t have much experience designing jewellery, you may want to find opportunities to learn the essential skills. To find a course on jewellery design, look at platforms like Udemy or Domestika.

You could also read The Art of Jewellery Design: From Idea to Reality, which can provide key insights into the art.

Find your niche

Think about what kind of jewellery you wish to design. You might focus on a specific: 

  • Style 
  • Material 
  • Type
  • Price point 
  • Customer  

For example, you might design engagement rings and stick to diamond jewellery. Or you could focus on more basic and affordable pieces for a young adult audience.  

Design your jewellery 

Next, put together some winning jewellery designs. To do this, consider starting with a pencil and sketchbook. 

To develop digital designs, try using a tool like Adobe Illustrator. Alternatively, you could use a 3D modelling software like Adobe Substance 3D to develop detailed and dimensional looks. 

How to sell jewellery designs to companies

Once you create awesome designs, you may wonder how to sell jewellery designs to companies. Let’s go over the main steps to close some deals. 

Create a portfolio (and samples)

Compile your best jewellery designs into a portfolio that will help you sell your ideas to potential clients. Think about creating digital or hand-drawn sketches with colourful touches, notes on size and material, and distinct details

You can upload this portfolio to your website and bring a physical version to client meetings. 

Also, try to make samples of your designs if you can access the materials. Showing people an artful sketch or detailed plan is helpful, but providing a concrete and visual example can show how your design transfers from the page.   

You might also hire a jewellery manufacturer to create your prototype. 

Find sales opportunities 

Next, find some leads to sell your jewellery designs. Research jewellery companies that fit your design niche and compile a list of options. Check if they accept design submissions when you come across a company. 

Apart from organic research, try networking within the jewellery industry. Networking could include attending industry events or reaching out to industry professionals on LinkedIn. Relationships within the market give you more access to sales opportunities. 

You could also attend jewellery shows to find companies to buy your designs, such as The Jewellery Show

On top of finding leads for your jewellery designs, consider building credibility for your business by submitting your designs to competitions. If you win an award, it can prove your talent and allow you to access new prospects.

Pitch your ideas

From your list of potential leads, reach out to those who might be most interested in your designs. Send emails introducing yourself, explaining your credentials, and outlining what you offer. You may also attach the portfolio.

To win people over and convince them to buy your designs, you may want to sharpen your sales techniques.

When companies show interest in your designs, they may ask you to create a formal pitch. Building a solid pitch can help you sell your business and skills to these companies

In this pitch, balance the visually appealing elements with statistics that back up the success of your designs.

If some companies fail to respond to confirm interest, consider following up again in a week. 

Create a contract

When a company shows interest in your jewellery design, create a contract to sell your intellectual property

In the UK, you automatically have copyright for things you create. So, in your contract, outline whether you wish to maintain ownership of your designs or transfer the copyright to the company who buys them from you.  

Also, decide how much you wish to sell your jewellery designs for. Since your designs may not have clear production costs, research the typical value of jewellery designs to set a rate for yourself.  

How to prepare your jewellery design business for success

Now that you know how to sell jewellery designs to companies, you can start bringing in money from your creative ideas. Just remember to: 

  • Create a portfolio that wins companies over 
  • Seek out potential customers for your designs
  • Pitch your ideas in a way that sticks with companies 
  • Create contracts that let you profit from your ideas

To win over more companies, you’ll need strong sales skills. Next, check out how to improve my sales techniques

Simplify your finances with a clever app

As you begin selling jewellery designs to companies, you’ll need to stay on top of your business finances. 

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