Love is in the air –– Valentine’s day is a celebration of romance. But, it’s not reserved for just couples. Your business can get in on the action too.

You’ll be able to show appreciation to your current customers and try to spread some love to new ones. Email marketing is a creative way to send those magic messages.

Seasonal emails are popular among many businesses. You can write them in many ways, so knowing what you should send can be challenging. 

To ensure you don’t miss the opportunity to give customers warm fuzzy feelings, we put together a few ideas to help.

With these suggestions for your email marketing, you can play cupid to build relationships between your business and it’s customers.

This guide discusses valentine’s day email marketing ideas, including:

  • Poems
  • Pop culture references
  • Reminders
  • Date suggestions
  • Recipes
  • Giveaways

Increase your click-through rate with clever subject lines

1) Poems

One of the most associated things with being romantic is poetry. When you rhyme, it already feels like a heartfelt time.

Whatever your business sells, you’ll hear wedding bells if you put together some engaging poems. These can add some spice into subject lines to move beyond just plain nice.

For example, if you sell make-up:

“Blushers are red, and eyeshadows blue.

Now look at our offer, buy one and get two.”

Already you can turn a basic email into something exciting and enjoyable to read. At any other time of the year, rhymes can be off-putting for some, but they still expect it in the romantic season.

2) Pop culture references

When it comes to any holiday (whether it’s Christmas, Halloween or Valentine’s Day), there are particular songs or films associated with each.

So if you reference romantic comedies, for example, that’s a fun way of tapping into the Valentine’s Day theme. 

For example, there’s one called ‘Four Weddings and Funeral‘, so you could use a subject line like: ‘Four beddings and mural’ if you sell homeware. 

Any puns or references may even be more straightforward if you look at typical romantic music:

  • Every breath you take — (can use to sell exercise equipment, mindfulness apps)
  • I wanna know what love is — (dictionaries/thesaurus)
  • I don’t wanna miss a thing — (glasses/cameras/video calling)

If your subject line is something that people associate warmly with, they might be more likely to open your email.

Generate more sales with timely reminders

3) Seasonal reminders

One valentine’s day email marketing idea is for reminders that lead up to it. In a tongue-in-cheek way, you could play on the reality of a lot of people who forget about it.

For example, if you sell flower deliveries, you could email people and say something like:

 “You’ve forgotten again, haven’t you? Don’t worry (we won’t tell). It’s okay, don’t panic, we’ll help you out (even if it is the night before). Click this link to get them by the morning (our secret).”

Another way of doing it could be further in advance, like weeks before. You could say things like:

 “This is the sign you needed. Get it done now (don’t leave it ‘til last minute, like last year)”. 

It’s often that one partner is more sentimental than the other. You’ve likely got customers on your email list that might forget. They’ll appreciate gentle reminders to get it sorted.

4) Date suggestions

An idea for the opposite partner now, perhaps if your customers are the sentimental ones. They may love to hear some suggestions of new ways to spice up their relationships.

Couples may search for new things to try together (not what you’re thinking, unless you sell those kinds of products, of course).

You can help them plan out their perfect Valentine’s Day and incorporate what you sell somewhere in there too. For example, if you run a spa, suggest morning activities and a couples massage (with your link) later on.

Grow your business’ word of mouth

5) Giveaways

Regardless of the time of year, people love free things. So another Valentine’s Day email marketing idea is to use giveaways or competitions.

You can call it the ‘gift of giving’, and it can be your romantic present to your valued customers. Either give away something small for those who fill in a survey or offer something big if people buy entries.

Giveaways and competitions are a great way to get people to share their information or opinions. But, you can also encourage customers to share your business with others through social media

If they share the competition and tag your accounts, that counts as one entry. If they tag friends, they could get more entries, for example.

Nurture relationships with your customers

6) Recipes

A valentines email marketing day idea that may get more people opening them, could be a numbered list of recipes. Similar to the dates, some partners might want to prepare a special meal.

If you have a subject line like “5 Valentine’ Day Recipes to Try”, the customer can see the value in opening it. People love to see pictures of food, and if you give multiple options, they are likely to want to see what those are.

Incorporate what you sell into the recipes or even something to go with the food. For example, if you sell wine, suggest the perfect food to go with it.

Sending useful information will increase your reputation and create a warm feeling in your customers’ hearts.

Finally, give some love to your financial management

7) Organise your business expenses with Countingup

To ensure that you can always have the money your business needs to continue successfully, you’d benefit from monitoring the finance that comes in and out of it.

Countingup is the business account with built-in accounting software that makes that process straightforward. You’ll receive cash flow insights from your phone, so you can always be aware of your money.

Get started for free.

To sum up…

Email marketing is a great way to build up a line of communication with your audience. It can help you to add some personality to your brand.

Branding is how the public views your business and how you choose to represent it. Creating a brand that people recognise and customers develop a relationship with, comes from the use of marketing.

If you don’t manage to keep your business finances in order, though, you might not find money to spend on email marketing. But without continuing to spread your brand with new customers, you could slow your growth.


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