How to start a small internet business from home

Technology makes it easy to start a small business online today. There are many internet-based small businesses that you could start to earn money and become your own boss. But you may want to consider a few things before getting started. 

This guide will cover how to start a small internet business from home, including:

  • What kinds of businesses can you start online? 
  • What will you need to start a business online?
  • How can you organise your business?
  • How can you market your internet business to find clients? 

What kinds of businesses can you start online?

Knowing how to start a small internet business from home can give you the freedom of earning money wherever you go. You can run an internet business entirely online, so they don’t need a lot of startup equipment or a physical shop. But what kind of internet businesses can you start from home?


Editing is a popular online business. There are plenty of creators out there that will pay others to edit their content. This will save others time and help you earn money. But if you decide to begin an editing business, you’ll need to consider what type of editing you’ll do.

Copy editing  

There are many opportunities online for copy editing. You can proofread and edit written content for authors, blog writers, or students. If you have a firm grasp of the English language and grammar rules, this editing internet business might be the right fit for you. 

Video editing

If you have skills in video editing, many YouTube creators and videographers hire editors to say time. You can use your skills to create clean finished products for these clients. A video editing business can be in high demand if you have reliable editing skills and return work efficiently.  

Content creation

Apart from editing, you may want to look into creating your own content for an online business. To succeed in content creation, you’ll need to market yourself well. But if you have ideas or knowledge that you want to share with the world, there’s a few ways you can do it. 


Blogs are a great way to begin building content for a reader. You can design a blog and write regular articles about your chosen topic. For example, maybe you want to start a travel blog. If so, you can post regular reviews and photos of where you travel. 

To earn more as a blogger, you may want to look into affiliate marketing. This is when you link to content or products for your readers. If readers buy them, you’ll make a small percentage off the sale. 


Another way to earn money through content creation is by starting a YouTube channel. You can film and edit videos about your chosen topic. The more you post and market yourself, the larger your following can grow. 

You’ll want to get to know the YouTube platform and find your market. Maybe you want to post videos about baking and share your recipes with the world. You’ll likely want to reach people who like to bake or want to learn. Think about how you can stand out among similar YouTubers. 

You can also monetise your channel, so the more views you get, the more you earn. Also, as your audience grows, sponsors might offer to pay for ad-reads, which can help you make more money. 


If your content platforms grow a large following, you can look into becoming an influencer. An influencer is someone who reviews and promotes brands to their followers. If you are interested in fashion, you could reach out to brands to see if they want you to promote their products.

Brands will be more interested in working with you if you appear trendy and have a loyal following. 

Content marketing 

Content marketing is another internet business you could consider starting. This is similar to content creation, except you’ll be doing it for other people or businesses. You can focus your content marketing services on social media marketing or copywriting. 

Aside from design and marketing skills, you’ll need a working knowledge of SEO and marketing analytics to succeed in content marketing. 

Online teaching 

Another idea of how to start a small internet business from home is by teaching online. If you offer your knowledge to others online, you can reach students not limited to your area. 


You can choose to tutor students who need help in their school or university lessons. You can tutor using virtual learning platforms or video calling. Once you build your client base, tutors can often earn high hourly wages. 

When deciding what you’ll tutor, think about what topics you have degrees in or know best. For example, if you have a Masters degree in English, you may want to focus on that. Then, use your experience and education to market yourself as a tutor. 

Selling courses 

You can also look into designing your own courses online. For example, if you’ve worked in content marketing, you could be knowledgeable enough to teach a class about it. You can outline your most important lessons. Then, create powerpoints, homework, and offer live or video courses. 

People who are interested in learning about your expertise are likely willing to pay for your knowledge. 

Digital development

App development 

If you have coding and IT experience, you could begin an app development online business. If you have app ideas and the skills to make them a reality, you can sell your finished products on the app store. 

Graphic design

If you have graphic design skills, there are a lot of opportunities for online businesses. You’ll need to decide what to focus on for an online business, then find that market. For example, you could design business logos or marketing materials. Or you could create and sell digital stickers or templates. You could also design and build websites for other businesses. 

What will you need to start a business online?

If you’re wondering how to start a small internet business from home, you’ll need a few things to set up. Once you decide what kind of business you’ll start, you can get set up for success. 

Register your business 

First, you’ll need to register as either a sole trader or a limited company. This may depend on the business you start. It’s a bit easier to register as a sole trader, but you’re personally liable for your business. On the other hand, limited companies are separate entities from you. 

As a self-employed person, you’ll also need to manage your own taxes based on your income. 

Insurance needs 

Depending on the type of internet business you start, you may want to consider your insurance needs. For an online business, you may want to consider cyber insurance. This will protect your internet business from digital threats, such as data breaches and cyber attacks.

Skills and tools

Internet businesses often have fewer startup costs and required equipment. But, you’ll need skills and experience relevant to the business you choose. If you begin a graphic design business, make sure you have skills in graphic design to complete your projects well. You can also take an online course to learn more about your business.  

A reliable computer or laptop that can effectively complete your business tasks and communicate with clients will also be important to your business. Aside from that, you’ll need any software necessary to complete projects. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you’ll likely need a subscription to Adobe or some other design software. 

How can you organise your business?

Once you know how to start a small internet business from home, you’ll want to plan and organise for success. 

Plan for success

First, design a business plan to outline your long-term and short-term business goals. This plan can help you organise your business operations and come up with productive tasks. It can also help you stay on top of your business development. 

Aside from a business plan, you’ll likely want to create a budget to keep your money in order. When thinking of your budget, consider your business expenses and earnings. Then look at your business goals to see how much money you should put towards product development or marketing. 

To further organise your business finances, you could open a business current account. This can help separate your business expenses from your personal ones to better track your budget. 

Establish a price list

Before you start earning money, you’ll need to decide which services you’ll offer and how much you’ll charge for them. Consider how much time and money it takes to accomplish one service, then price it accordingly. This will help you earn from each client. If you have a clear price list and expectations, you can appear professional to your clients. 

Organise your operations 

You’ll also want to keep on top of your daily operations, such as client communications and projects. You can organise your business through management platforms like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365. These platforms allow you to keep your contacts, documents, and calendar in one place. 

How can you market your internet business to find clients?

A large part of how to start a small internet business from home is knowing how to market that business to find clients. As an internet business, you have access to many client opportunities, but getting their attention can be more challenging.

Brand your business

To find your first clients, you’ll need to present your internet business well and make it accessible. You can start by thinking about your business’s target audience and overall branding. You want your brand to represent what your business offers and stand out. It should be consistent across all your business platforms and marketing. 

To make your business accessible to the digital audience, you’ll also want to claim your Google business profile. This will help people find you when searching on Google. Since you’re a home-based business, add your home address to the profile then click ‘hide address.’

You can also design a business website so potential clients can learn more about your business. Your website should have your business name, contact information, and services. You can also add photos of your projects. This website would be particularly important if you offer website design services as it shows clients your skills.

Use social media for marketing 

Another way to grow your internet business’s audience is through social media marketing. Since your business will take place entirely online, it’s important to market it online as well. Plus, since your services are remote, you can target a wider audience. 

Consider using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to spread the word about your business services. Depending on your focus, you could also use Pinterest or Youtube to post content about your business.

When using social media, consider who you want to reach, and research that audience. Then, you can post content relevant to this audience. You can also join relevant groups and network to meet people in the same industry as you. 

Source out clients 

Apart from marketing yourself for success, you can also seek out clients for your internet business. If you offer editing or marketing services, you may want to join freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to seek out clients. Platforms like these can help you find your first clients and begin to grow your client base. 

Depending on your small internet business, consider where you can find the right clients for you. Then, use your brand and marketing skills to convince them to consider your services. 

Start your business on the right track 

Once you know how to start your small internet business from home and find your first clients, you’ll have to manage your money well to succeed.

It will be important to keep your personal and business finances separate from day one – to save yourself from time-consuming admin further down the line. 

When you sign up for a Countingup business current account, you’ll receive free accounting software with a range of time-saving tools. 

Simply log into the app to create and send invoices, get financial insights, and confidently manage your new business finances. Find out more here.


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